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Mechanical Engineering Technology: Websites

Open Source Academic Journals and Preprints

These search engines retrieve open source academic journals. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Finding Reliable Websites

When deciding if a webpage is reliable, you should ask yourself the following questions. 

Question Reasoning
Who? Only cite authors who have some credentials that qualify them to talk about the subject. 
What? Identify the type of research you need--most online forums, blogs, or presentations are not peer reviewed. 
When? Use research from websites that regularly maintained to insure that the information isn't outdated. 
Where? Material should be available on academic websites--pay attention to the quality of the website. Avoid .coms and .nets.
Why? Know why you need the information, and also why the information was published. Avoid biased websites. 

Webpages should cite their information so you know how the information was gathered. 


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Reliable Websites for Mechanical Engineering

Subject Librarian

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Dawn Harris
Office: 205C, University Library, Warrior Hall

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