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Researching Children's Literature

Recentrelevant, and reliable databasesbooksjournals, and internet tools are important to academic research. 

Books: Starting with a few good books about your topic will help you. Books contain bibliographies you can use to identify key scholarship. Find books through WarriorCat

Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlesJournal articles are the primary method of sharing new research in education. Peer-review is the process of maintaining reliability by asking specialists to review articles before they are published. 

Internet Resources: Reliable online tools can be very helpful, such as specialized searches like Google Scholar. Make sure you consider whether or not you can trust resources before you use them. 

Our Elementary EducationSecondary Education, or Children's and Young Adult Literature LibGuides will give you some more research clues. 

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Children's Literature Journals

Recommended Databases for Children's Literature

 The following databases are useful for researching Children's Literature:

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Fantasy Books

Banned/ Controversial Books

Historical Fiction

Informational Picture Books (Sibert Award)


Picture Books (Caldecott Winners)

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Michelle Shea
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