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University Archives: Guidelines

The University Archives is the official repository for records of A&M-Central Texas and the gateway to its past.

Mission Statement

Texas A&M University-Central Texas archives collect official records of the institution, materials related to its history, and other resources, for use by students, the academic community, and external researchers.  The role of the archives is to identify, acquire, manage, and preserve university records of enduring value and make them available for use in accordance with policies approved by A&M-Central Texas administration and faculty. As part of Texas A&M University-Central Texas Library Services, the archives program supports research, scholarship, and life-long learning throughout the scholarly community.


The A&M-Central Texas University Archives places primary emphasis on:

  • Selecting those records that best document the University, thereby enabling the orderly disposal or erasure of records and information not of enduring value.
  • Ensuring the integrity of the collection through maintenance of the context and order of archival records and other documents entrusted to its care.
  • Creating and maintaining tools that provide intellectual and administrative control of records and collections.
  • Providing a physical environment for records and collections that ensures their long-term viability and usefulness.
  • Responding to the needs of faculty, staff, students, and external publics for historical evidence and information.

Collection Guideline

In keeping with the overall A&M-Central Texas Library Services collection development goal to build collections that support our users’ information needs, the archives acquire, preserve, and make available research collections of both published and original source materials, particularly those related to the local academic community and the broader cultural heritage of the Killeen – Temple – Fort Hood metropolitan area and Texas.

Selection Guidelines

General Guidelines

Materials documenting the history and development of A&M-Central Texas, American Technological University, University of Central Texas, the Tarleton State University-Central Texas, Fort Hood Military Base, the Killeen – Temple – Fort Hood metropolitan area, and Texas history are the basis of the archives' collection development goals.

Types of Records Collected (but not limited to)

  • Bibliographic works created by Texas A&M University-Central Texas affiliates
  • Bibliographic works, in physical or digital formats, about Texas A&M University-Central Texas
  • Materials pertaining to Texas history, including county and local histories such as photographs, maps, three-dimensional artifacts, and correspondences.
  • Official records and publications emanating from any unit of the University
  • Governance and policy documents which include constitutions, bylaws, minutes, proceedings and reports of the University affiliated organizations
  • Records of individual faculty and staff created in their official capacity in the University
  • The original or copy of any thesis or project accepted by the University in fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree
  • University publications such as catalogs, flyers, brochures, newspapers, and magazines
  • Occasionally, materials from outside the previously noted areas are added when warranted by their condition or value

Record Creators

  • Academic Departments: The goal of archives is to document the creation, development, priorities and activities of academic departments.
  • Affiliated Organizations: This category includes faculty, staff , university councils and committees, student organizations, alumni groups, and Texas  A&M-CT support organizations.
  • Local Authors: This category includes authors who were born and raised in the Killeen – Temple – Fort Hood metropolitan area or currently reside there.

Selection Process

Library staff will assess the long-term historical value potential of all items transferred to the Archives. Staff will process and catalog the records and make the items available for research. Acceptance of material to the Library Archives does not commit the Archives to retain material in perpetuity.

Technical Services Coordinator

Profile Photo
Victoria Eastes
Heritage Hall, 211A
Texas A&M University - Central Texas
1001 Leadership Place
Killeen, TX 76549
(254) 519-5499