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OER for COBA: Home


On this guide, you can find Open Education Resources (OER) for COBA subjects.

Use the tabs at the top to see free and low-cost textbooks and activities for each content area.

Consider adopting some of these materials into your courses. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has offered matching grants of up to $5,000 to support faculty or teams of faculty in the redesign of courses for online delivery using existing OER. Cross-institutional collaboration is encouraged for implementation grants.


Why use OER in your classes?

  • OER help reduce course costs for students. They will have needed materials on day 1, which means fewer missed readings.
  • You have the freedom to use sections of online textbooks and articles to teach timely content.
  • Some OER come with test banks or the ability to create them at a free or low ongoing cost for everyone involved. 

Comments or Suggestions?

Please email me at, if you have anything you'd like to share.

I'm happy to add, remove, change, or locate more resources for your subject area.


Reference Librarian

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Michelle Shea
Warrior Hall, Administrative Offices, 205H