Gifts of books and other materials can provide valuable additions to the library collection that might not otherwise be available to users. The Library welcomes materials that are in good physical condition and that comply with our collecting priorities. Space limitations prevent the Library from accepting offers of gifts-in-kind that are not in good condition or that do not fall within our “Collection Development Guidelines.”
Gifts-in-kind are accepted with the understanding that all donated materials become the Library's property. The Library reserves the right to determine the disposition of all gifts, including retention, location, cataloging, and treatment.
General Guidelines
As a general rule, the following guidelines apply to the acceptance and addition of gifts to the library collections:
Guidelines for Adding Monographic Gifts
Guidelines for adding monographic gifts include:
Guidelines for Adding Periodicals
Guidelines for adding periodicals include:
Commemorative Donations
Individuals who wish to donate items in commemoration of an individual or entity may do so. When the commemorative item is received, the Library will place a small bookplate on the inside of the front cover indicating that it is commemorative, and a note will be made in the library catalog.
Gifts of Funds
Those who wish to donate funds for the enrichment of the Library or the purchase of a specific resource may do so through the A&M-Central Texas Office of Advancement and Alumni Services.
One option for the donation of funds is the support of a subscription to a journal for the Library for one or more years. The donor will be asked to choose a journal from a list of predefined journals chosen by the Library, and to provide at least one year of the subscription cost for the chosen journal. Donors are encouraged to renew their donation each year, and are asked not to create a subscription in the Library’s name on their own, since this makes the management of the subscription more difficult. The Library will not accept the donation of partial funds for a subscription. Donors are advised that academic journals can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars annually.
Bring filled out, signed form with donation. Email Dawn Harris or call 254-519-8716 to schedule donation drop-off.