Warrior Hall University Library
Phone: (254) 519-5798
Address: 1001 Leadership Place, Killeen, Texas 76549
Email: library@tamuct.edu
Directions: Visit TAMUCT's Maps and Directions.
EWCHEC Library Extension
Phone: (512) 759-5930
Address: 1600 Innovation Blvd., Hutto, Texas, 78634
Directions: Visit the EWCHEC webpage.
Located just inside the front doors at Warrior Hall, the University Library operates as the main access point for services, such as research help, information literacy instruction, reserve services, periodicals, and digital collections, with over 250,000 eBooks and 82,000 eJournals.
Main Stacks: The main stacks are the primary library collection at the library. Items in this collection can be checked out for four weeks by students, and for sixteen weeks by faculty and staff. These print books are located on the first and second floors of the library, with the Library of Congress call numbers A-N on the first floor and P-Z on the second. In addition to the print books physically located in our library, the library also offers a host of ebooks that can be used by those affiliated with the University 24X7.
Reference Collection: Encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, and other resources that provide authoritative information. These books are intended for consultation, rather than to be checked out and read. As a result, these items must remain in the library. This collection is located on the first floor in shorter shelving near the reference desk.
Print Periodical Collection: This collection includes both scholarly and popular periodicals, including journals, magazines, and newspapers. These periodicals can be read in the library on the second floor. New periodicals cannot be checked out. Periodicals older than one year may be checked out for one week by students and three weeks by faculty and staff. In addition, we also have access to approximately 82,000 electronic periodicals through the library website.
Media Collection: The media collection includes DVDs, VHS, audiobooks, and equipment such as laptops, ipads, cameras, microphones, and other equipment. DVDs and VHS may be checked out for four weeks by faculty and staff, and for one week by students. Audiobooks can be checked out for 16 weeks for faculty and staff, and 4 weeks by students. Laptops and ipads must remain inside the library, though our cameras and other equipment may be checked out for use outside of the library. These items are kept behind the library circulation desk. Staff will retrieve these for you upon request.
Reserve Collection: These items have been requested by faculty to support specific courses. The check out and lending options may vary for these collections, though many will be required to stay in the library. They are located behind the circulation desk. Staff will retrieve them on request.
Textbook Reserves: We collection two types of textbooks: those adopted for use in public schools around the state and those required for TAMUCT courses. The state-adopted textbooks are in support of our education programs. The TAMUCT course textbooks are generally up-to-date, though sometimes we may not be aware of a last minute change in a professor's book choice. Due to the high demand for these resources, most textbooks must remain inside the library, and may only be checked out for a limited time. They are located behind the library circulation desk, and staff will retrieve these items upon request.
Children's and Young Adult Collection: The library offers over 7,000 children and young adult books for checkout. Located on the first floor of the library, these books can be checked out for 4 weeks by students and 16 weeks by faculty and staff.
Questions or Concerns? Please contact the library at library@tamuct.edu.
Research Help: Need help? Chat with a librarian, ask-a-librarian through email, request a research consultation, see library research guides, get help with usernames and passwords, find subject guides or specialist librarians, and find information about citing sources.
Interlibrary Loan: With the wealth of research available, there are bound to be items you need that our library doesn't own. You can request these items from other libraries using interlibrary loan. Give us about a week to fulfill your requests!
Group Library Instruction: A librarian is available to provide instruction about using the library to classes or other groups of individuals. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are all eligible to request a library instruction sessions.
Reserve Services: Faculty may put items on reserve at the library, with special lending terms and requirements. You can put an item on reserve online or find out more about using a reserve item.
Computer Access: There are 35 PCs and 2 iMacs downstairs; and 8 PCs upstairs for student, staff, and faculty use.
Study Rooms: The library allows you to reserve study rooms on the first floor to ensure that they are available when you need them. You can also use our study rooms on the second floor, which are first come, first serve.
Group Study Space: Multiple areas in the library are available for group work. Just ask!
Circulation Services: Circulation handles interlibrary, the checking-in and out of materials, renewals, holds, reserves, lamination, die cuts, student technology, binding, copying, and many other services.
Reference Services: This area of the library encompasses all of the research assistance available through the library, providing by our reference librarians. These include chat, face-to-face help, and online tutorials.
Copy Center Services: Circulation handles interlibrary, the checking-in and out of materials, renewals, holds, reserves, lamination, die cuts, student technology, binding, copying, and many other services.
TexShare: TexShare is a program throughout the State of Texas that allows you to borrow books from participating libraries. In order to take advantage of this service, you will need to request a TexShare card. You can get one at our University Library Circulation Desk, or you can use the form we have provided to request one via the mail.
Media and Technology Services: Need a camera or Livescribe pen for a class assignment? Want to work on a laptop on the second floor of the library? We offer many media and technology services to help you succeed.