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Economics : Article Databases

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Find Articles in Online Databases

Search in library databases to find scholarly journal articles. These are often subject specific.

Keywords: The right search term is important. Think about the words an expert might use to describe the concepts for which you are looking. 

Peer Reviewed: Look for search options that let you limit your search to articles that have been reviewed by experts. 

Recent: Try to choose articles written in the last ten years to ensure that you aren't retrieving outdated research. 

Off Campus? Some of these resources are password protected, to ensure that only TAMUCT students, faculty, and staff can access them, in compliance with license agreements. Access to the databases is authenticated through your single sign on--the same way you log into email, Canvas, Warrior Web, etc.  You will use your full email and password when prompted.  Faculty and staff use the same username and password as your email, not including ""

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Recommended Databases for Economics

The following databases are useful for researching Economics:

Reference Librarian

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Sandy Nelson
University Library
1001 Leadership Place
Killeen, Texas 76549
(254) 519-5743

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