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Mechanical Engineering Technology: Writing


A collection of links to help you with composing your writing. 


A collection of links to help you with grammar. 

Citing and Avoiding Plagiarism

A collection of links to help you with citing and avoiding plagiarism. 

Writing a Paper

When you start out on a new writing assignment, getting overwhelmed is easy. That's why it's important to take a deep breath, and keep a few things in mind: 

  • Find something that interestests you--this will make writing much easier. 
  • Always have a main argument, or at least an idea of what your main point will be. 
  • No one is born writing well. You can learn to write through practice!

You should also remember that writing in your discipline might be different than writing you have done before. In aviation, writing should be clear and concise. 

If you still aren't sure what to do next, you can make a tutoring appointment through TAMUCT Academic Support Services or visit the University Writing Center . You can also explore some of the links listed here. 

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