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Research Guides by Subject
Research Tools
- WarriorQuest: Are you tired of searching through multiple databases, plus the library catalog, to find the resources you need? If so, WarriorQuest is the tool for you. Use one search box to retrieve the library catalog and the indexed material from our libray databases. This is the place to start for most research at TAMUCT.
- WarriorCat: Find print and ebooks, DVDs, streamed videos, audio recordings, print journals, and other materials available through the library using our catalog. Our catalog does not include electronic journals and other materials located in our databases.
- A-Z Databases (Articles & Archives): When you know which database you want to use, or you are looking for a database limited to one subject or topic, visit our A-Z list of databases. These include the most popular databases that you might already be familiar with, including Academic Search Complete, ProQuest, JSTOR, Business Source Complete, and ABI/INFORM Complete.
- eJournals (Journals by Title): Use this search tool when you are looking for a specific journal by title. This is helpful when you have a citation you need to track down, or when you want to know if the library subscribes to a specific resource.
- Research by Subject: The library has multiple research guides that focus on subjects taught here at TAMUCT. You can view a full list of guides, or simply click on the guide you need using our list to the left.
- Interlibrary Loan: With the wealth of research available, there are bound to be items you need that our library doesn't own. You can request these items from other libraries using interlibrary loan. Give us about a week to fulfill your requests!
- Online Research: A single page that describes all of the library resources available online.
- TexShare: TexShare is a program throughout the State of Texas that allows you to borrow books from participating libraries. In order to take advantage of this service, you will need to request a TexShare card. You can get one at our University Library Circulation Desk, or you can use the form we have provided to request one via the mail.
- WarriorConnect: The University Library also has resources available through a partnership with Killeen Public Library. These resources are outlined, including options for Killeen Public Library members to use the print collection here at the Library.
- Plagiarism & Academic Integrity: We provide information and resources to help our students avoid plagiarism and other academic dishonesty.
- Citing Sources: Get information about how to cite sources using different citation styles, including MLA, APA, Chicago, APSA, and ASA.
- Copyright Guide: Examines fair use in education and research, creating and using instructional materials, and the use of film and video in a classroom. Includes a Fair Use Checklist.
- Research Programs: The library offers special programs to help foster research and information literacy across campus. These include workshops, book readings, drop in times, and other special opportunities.
- Helpful Tutorials: Get help navigating the library tools, databases, and e-reserves; Web Literacy; Plagiarism; The Amazing Library Race.